Dave Adler
04:00 - 09:00 GMT daily

Dave's one of those guys who's always listening to music (bet you know somebody just like him!) It might be oldies - he especially likes the late 60's - early 70's stuff we play on The Hop. Just give Dave a Guess Who or Grass Roots Greatest Hits CD, press play, and Dave can probably tell you a story about every song! But that's not to say he doesn't like digging a little deeper, into songs you may have never even heard before - those 'one-hit-wonders' are Dave's specialty ... it's probably why we often refer to him as a "Pool Of Useless Information" around the Worldspace studios!

But Dave's also a big Springsteen fan - matter of fact, his umpteenth Springsteen show was recently, when Bruce was out on his acoustic tour (Dave missed Clarence & the other members of the E Street Band, but still loved the show!) "One of these days", Dave says, "Bruce's stuff will be old enough to fit on The Hop!" In the meantime, Dave's content to play the occassional Dean Martin record, and even some Hank Snow ... "It's ALL good - on The Hop!", says Dave.

In his off hours (when's he get those - the guys on The Hop 7 days a week ...!) Dave likes spending time with his family - twin daughters age 12 and an 11 year old son, his wife Laura, and their brand new puppy Misty, a cute little shepherd/collie mix. "Maybe I need to play that Johnny Mathis record more often now", says Dave.

Dave's travels have taken him to Sydney Australia, where he was one of the first people in the world to ring in the New Millenium. Dave did his morning radio show live from Luna Park, an amusement park at the foot of the famed Sydney Bridge on New Years Eve 2000. Perhaps you were watching CNN when midnight hit and the bridge was lit up like a giant Christmas tree ... Dave was right there! Originally from Wilmington Delaware, which is just outside Philadelphia, Dave has visited numerous islands (Anguilla in the British West Indies is his hands-down favorite vacation spot!), spent time from Israel to Arizona - Florida to California.

But, aside his family ties, there's that one other constant in Dave's life ... music! And he's more than happy to share it with you every day on The Hop on The Worldspace Satellite Radio Network!