41st Anniversary of The Monterey International Pop Festival

It really has been 41 years since the "summer of love" took a whole generation in a totally new direction. Many have reflected on that particular June weekend in '67 at the fairgrounds in Monterey, California ... three days of "Peace, Love and Flowers". That was the Monterey International Pop Festival. The HOP 178 commemorated the occasion with a very special weekend of "live" musical selections from The Monterey Pop Festival on Friday June 20 through Sunday June 22. The on-air festivities are just part of the fun so be sure to visit some of the cool web sites listed below. I strongly recommend picking up a copy of the Criterion Collection DVD...it is chock full 'o great performances and tons of extras. Enjoy!!

Monterey Pop Links:

-The Official Monterey International Pop Festival blog

-Hendrix profile from the BBC

-Great collection of amazing images from photographer Elaine Mayes

-The Criterion Collection presents a wonderfully re-mastered 3 DVD set of D.A. Pennebaker's ground breaking documentary of The Monterey International Pop Festival. Packed with loads of extras it's a must for any rock & pop fans permenant collection.

- Click here for details on how to order your own copy of this amazing documentary film on DVD.